Spring Plantings Take Root in King of Prussia

Even more inviting green spaces are coming to KOP!
At the end of 2024, All Seasons Landscaping transformed the planting beds at both ends of the First Avenue Linear Park boardwalk. After clearing away trash, rubble and invasive plants, they replaced the debris with river rock, decorative boulders, flowering shrubs and trees. This spring, a variety of perennials and grasses will be planted to create a pocket meadow next to Trout Creek. The planting plan not only brings vibrant colors to the area but also helps with stormwater management and provides native plants for birds and pollinators to thrive.
This project is just one of many enhancements in the district. Since 2011, King of Prussia District has installed and maintained 46 landscape projects in medians and planting beds along First Avenue, Rt. 202, Allendale Road, Henderson Road and I-76. These green spaces do more than beautify the area—they also help manage stormwater runoff and improve air quality. Plus, landscaped medians are proven to slow down traffic, making roads safer for everyone. The new planting beds along the Linear Park boardwalk will provide a stunning visual feature for both the neighborhood and pedestrians using the multimodal trail.