Now Open: Forward
Forward’s mission is simple: to revolutionize healthcare in order to make it accessible for everyone by turning it into a product, not a service.
Forward boldly stands by this mission, calling themselves a mission first, and a company second. How does it work? First you sign up for a membership for a flat fee, with or without health insurance. This provides you access to their CarePod, which is equipped with a doctor and state-of-the-art technology that provides testing, physical evaluations and a personalized care plan. You’ll be able to track your health, too, using wearable sensors which send information right to an application on your phone, giving you full control of and access to your health data whenever you want it.
Step into a CarePod today and visit the future of healthcare, right at King of Prussia Mall on the second floor of the Plaza, next to Casper and across from FP Movement! | 833.334.6393