KOP provides convenience and jobs
Source, Philadelphia Inquirer, Letter to the Editor by Pasquale T. Deon, Chairman, SEPTA board, and Kenneth E. Lawrence Jr., Vice Chair, SEPTA Board and Vice Chair, Montgomery County Board of Commissioners
Recent criticisms about SEPTA’s King of Prussia rail project discount the benefits it would deliver. kOP Rail will address a major gap in the region’s transportation network by providing reliable, high-speed rail connectivity between our three largest employment centers – Center City, University City and King of Prussia. Independent analysis shows the project will reduce traffic congestion and support transit-oriented development while generating thousands of construction and permanent new jobs.
For the thousand expected to use the new service,KOP Rail represents access to opportunity. Philadelphia workers who travel to jobs outside the city would have a reliable, faster and more convenient commute. The line would also introduce new service options for residents of King of Prussia, Norristown, Upper Darby and many other communities.
Advancing KOP Rail does not prevent SEPTA from pursuing other transformational projects or critical day-to-day operations and maintenance work. Despite the pandemic, we have taken major steps forward on trolley modernization, bus revolution, station improvements and fleet replacements. Together, these projects show how we – as a city and region – can do big things when we work together.